OUR SERVICES Air Conditioning
& Cooling Tips

When “it’s time,” you just know it! In the meantime, take control of your comfort and costs. Wicked Cool has some ideas to help you get more for less.

Upgrade Your Insulation

A smart first step to getting energy bills under control! With the added benefit of making your home more comfortable, of course.


Tweak the Thermostat

During hot seasons, setting your temperature 7 to 10 degrees higher than normal can save you up to 10% a year on energy costs. Set it even higher for sleep and higher still when you leave the house.

Switch On Ceiling Fans

Energy-efficient ceiling fans help circulate the cooled air. And the average cost to run a fan is only $7 a month! Keep blades stable and clean for maximum benefit.

Maintain Airflow

Keep interior doors and vents open to help circulate the air. This keeps indoor pollutants from remaining suspended in the air as well. Your comfort and your allergies will thank you.

Repair or Replace?

What makes more sense for your comfort and your wallet – to repair or replace your current AC system? Add up the points from your answers to the following questions.

How old is your current AC system? 1~5 years Points 0 6~10 years Points 8 10~14 years Points 12 More than 15 years Points 18
Points 0 8 12 18
Average usage per day 0~2 hours Points 1 2~4 hours Points 3 4~5 1/2 hours Points 5 More than 5 1/2 hours Points 7
Points 1 3 5 7
How much longer will you be at this home? 1~3 years Points 1 4~6 years Points 2 7~9 years Points 3 10+ years Points 4
Points 1 2 3 4
What would the repair cost be? $0-100 Points 2 $101-300 Points 3 $301-500 Points 4 More than $500 Points 5
Points 2 3 4 5

If your total points were:

1~10 11~19 20 or more
1-10 Repairing is likely your best option. 11-19 You can choose to repair if you were happy with your home comfort level until now;
You can upgrade your system to take advantage of better technology and future cost savings.

20 or more AC replacement is the best economic decision given projected energy and repair costs.

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