DIY AC Repair

A/C Repair: What You Can and Cannot Do Photo by jarmoluk on Pixabay Considering Do-It-Yourself (DIY) A/C Repair? As summer temperatures rise, it’s natural to want to find ways to save money on your energy bills. DIY air conditioning repair can help you save...

Proper System Sizing

Keep Your Cool with a Properly Sized AC System The right size AC system for your home is good for your health, your comfort, and your wallet. When it comes to choosing an AC system for your home, size matters. An improperly sized system is an inefficient system....

Seer Rating

SEER RATING: IS HIGHER ALWAYS BETTER? The Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) is the standard for measuring air conditioning efficiency. In the air conditioning industry, the higher the SEER, the better the efficiency, and the lower your energy bills will be....

Utility Rebates

Duke Energy If you’ve participated in a free Home Energy Check and received a recommendation for a new heat pump, you can receive as much as a $350 incentive. Details. Florida Power and Light (FPL) FPL offers a valuable “A/C Buying Rebate.”...

AC/Heat Pump Buying Guide

Benefits When you have the right air conditioning system and installer, you’ll enjoy: Increased energy efficiency Cost savings before and after the purchase Installation by a qualified and licensed contractor Confidence that you made the right decision The good...